Sunday, January 4, 2009

Still Not Getting It

Today ended up being cold and windy so I decided to work with Scarlet inside. After her performance outside yesterday, I did not want to add another variable of high winds to the equation. I found a way to perch her even father away from me in the living room, allowing her a longer flight from corner to corner of the room. It is amazing how creative I can be when I have to. LOL. I had Kenny over at the house again while I was working her, so this allowed me to fly her with more distraction as she has not been worked much with others in the the room lately. That will change tomorrow when I return to work as well. Her response was excellent and she only hesitated one time. On this flight she was not rewarded with a tid bit. Her response on the subsequent flight was instant though.
Once again I introduced the lure, and she still is not quite grasping the concept. Today I put a mouse head on it so she would see fur as well as meat, hoping that this would entice her. I dropped it the same distance away as I did previous days. When she finally hopped to it she landed next to it and then tentatively leaned over to eat. She eventually stepped on to it as she needed to hold the food down to tear it apart. Kurt is going to put out his sparrow trap so hopefully I will be able to offer her a sparrow on the lure in the near future.
I think I will only work with the lure on the days the weather is undesirable, as her fist response inside is excellent and I cannot set up longer flights inside.
Other than that, she is coming along nicely and I hope to free fly her by the THA Meet on the weekend of Jan 17. I think that her flight range is best between 106 - 106.5 grams, so I am going to target keeping her in that weight range.
Keeping my fingers crossed she will be good to go soon!!

2:45pm - 107.4 grams
5:30pm - 106.1 grams....Fed 10 grams mouse

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