Saturday, January 3, 2009

Driven to Distraction

As previously decided I took Scarlet outside to fly on the creance for the first time today. I live on a very busy street with a fairly large front yard, so that is where I set up the creance. I had a feeling that this would be interesting as she has not spent anytime outside since trapping. Unlike a Red Tail, I cannot just perch her out in the yard unless under direct supervision because of the threat of predators. I held her for a few minutes before hooking her up to the creance and she appeared calm and unaffected by being outside. I started with a short jump, which she made after some great hesitation. After that her ADD took over. I guess the newness of the cars passing, people walking by and dogs barking was just too much for her all at once. She also kept an eye on the sky, possibly concerned with unseen threats overhead. I was able to call her to the fist several more times but only after a few the roof, the car, basically any direction other than me. At this point I decided that it was too much stimulus to introduce all at once and brought her back inside. I did not want to reward her for misbehaving, so we went and flew Kenny's Harris' Hawk before coming home and working with Scarlet again inside. Tomorrow we will try the outdoor creance again, but in a quieter setting with less distractions. I will introduce all the new variables individually so as not to frustrate her (or me!!)
Once inside she performed beautifully. She only hesitated a few times....mainly to see what Kenny was doing as it has been a while since I worked her with others in the room. I flew her to the fist about 12 times, 3 without tidbits on the flights she showed hesitation. I then set her up on a small perch and dropped the lure in front of her about 2 feet away. Once again, she stared at it for a while before jumping to it. She still is not figuring out the lure and tomorrow I will put something more appealing on it...either a mouse or sparrow wing.
While unloading Kenny's bird from the car, a family stopped to see the birds. We showed them all three birds: Scarlet, Biggio (Harris' Hawk) and Abby (Red Tail) and spoke with them for about 15 minutes. Scarlet behaved beautifully. Two of their daughters, 8 and 4 years old, were facinated with the birds especially Scarlet. Needless to say, she received some great manning during this time. They were able to touch her all over, including her feet, and Scarlet handled it beautifully. I also assisted both the girls in holding Scarlet and it did not phase her at all - it did make their day though! I have heard tales of Kestrels being very bitey and tempermental but Scarlet is no where near to the rumors. She is VERY well manned and behaved and I must believe that it is her nature as well as the time I have spent with her. I think I was blessed with a wonderfully calm bird and only hope that she hunts as well as she mans. She still is not making any noise either, which is a blessing with all the time she spends at the office with me.

4:30pm - 106.8 grams....Fed 10 grams grackle.

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