Monday, December 15, 2008

12/11 - 12/14

Well, I missed a few days of blogging. Must admit, I tend to slack off on the weekends when I am away from my computer.
Scarlet is coming along nicely...and definitely developing a personality. She is much more animated and enjoys puffing her feathers up when acting curious. We have also taken to playing a little game where I will bend over, then she will mirror me. Silly, I know...but entertaining none the less.
Her appetite is back, and she is eating off the fist with no problems. I also have her flying inside about 8 feet, but anything longer than that gets sticky. At the longer distances she will begin to fly to me when I call her, but then peel off and perch elsewhere. Her daily food intake has increased as well from 4 grams twice a day on Friday and Saturday to 7 grams twice a day yesterday.
I made a lure this weekend and once I add the food clip I will begin the introduction. Other than that, not much to report. She has taken to the wall perch at home, and sits quietly watching TV with me.

8:30am - 116 grams
10am - 115 grams...Fed 6 grams mouse
3pm - 119 grams

10am - 116 grams....Fed 4 grams Finch
3pm - 113 grams
10pm - 110 grams...Fed 4 grams Finch

11am - 109 grams...Fed 4 grams Finch
10pm - 109 grams....Fed 4 grams Finch

11am - 108 grams
1:30pm - 107 grams...Fed 7 grams rat
10pm - 107 grams...Fed 7 grams rat

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